


1988年在澳大利亚, 一个小男孩很高兴能参加在他家乡举办的为期6个月的1988年世博会, 布里斯班.

The Expo was a fascinating window to the world for him and his sister, 三天的世博会通行证到期后, the brother-sister duo insisted on a season pass from their parents. 从那时起, they dashed off 到世博会 every weekend and throughout the school holidays, eager to get their Expo passports stamped by every exhibiting country.

小男孩长大后,在昆士兰科技大学获得了土木工程学士学位, 在澳大利亚斯威本科技大学获得建筑管理硕士学位. At the age of 25 he left the city and has remained abroad since then, 在中东和英国从事土木工程师和规划工程师的工作.

切换到现在, 年后, Jason Quick's Expo 88 passport and the season pass are safe with him as memorabilia!

这是Jason,项目总监 2020年迪拜世博会,首次在中东、非洲和南亚地区举办世博会,改造了一个4.38km2 场地成为持久的城市遗产. 事后, 超过80%的首页和建筑环境将被改造为未来以人为本的智慧城市, 2020地区.

“我非常欣赏贾森管理整个团队的方式, 咨询顾问, 客户, contractors alike – his voice of reason wins everyone over, as well as Aussie good nature (or maybe it's the donuts that he supplies)! 世博会很幸运有杰森来掌舵, 在个人层面上, 我很幸运能把杰森当作朋友,并将永远拥有在阿尔比达塔工作的美好回忆, 与其他地区的领导一起在多哈湾举行会议,以及随后的许多社交活动!”



Vice President, Executive Programme Director, Europe

以前, 作为项目总监和扩展项目管理咨询(PMC)领导团队的一员, Jason领导的团队负责制定2020年世博会和2020年区总体规划,并在2020年世博会总体规划中提供公共领域的景观美化. 他目前的职位是方案主任, Jason负责项目交付,同时带领团队完成项目, 一直到世博会开幕.

Jason was excited to be part of Expo 2020 for two main reasons. 第一个, the chance to relive the excitement he felt years back as a kid at Expo 88 and second, the opportunity to be part of one of the largest capital works projects in the world, 发生在一个世界级的城市, 在那里,他们面临着一个令人兴奋的挑战——将一个本质上是沙丘和骆驼养殖场的地区改造成一个巨大的沙漠.5 million square meter world-class attraction, with a thoroughly defined legacy district.

When the COVID-19 pandemic shook the world, Expo 2020 wasn't immune to disruptions. Talking about the safety protocols of the new normal, 杰森说, “我们有强有力的COVID-19指南,与COVID-19阳性个体的任何可疑互动都要求严格遵守我们的指南以及世博会的指南."

Reflecting on the most memorable moments to date on Expo, Jason recounted the recent site visit by the United Arab Emirates' top leadership. To witness the reaction to some of our recently completed stunning attractions, 包括巨大的2020年世博会水景和空中花园观景塔,都很特别, and he saw what the success of this event meant to Dubai.

最近, 杰森带走了他的妻子, 克莱尔, four-year-old son Charlie and six-year-old daughter, 亚历山德拉, 到世博会. 分享这次访问是多么有趣, 他说, "I took them to the opening day of the Expo Pavilions Premiere, 在经历了所有有趣的事情之后, they think that playing games on site all day is all that Daddy does!”

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