


詹妮弗米姆斯- 504x504

正规博彩十大网站排名’ Director of Asset Management Jennifer Mims has 30 years of experience working in large, 复杂的组织, 领导战略行动和监督重大项目.

Skilled at helping organizations leverage technology and incorporating standardized processes, 关键绩效指标和各种变更管理组件, one of Jennifer’s greatest passions is working with organizations from the top down to make data-based decisions and create a culture focused on continuous improvement. 

Jennifer's main areas of expertise include strategic asset management - ISO 55000, 企业资产管理系统(EAMS), 建筑信息模型(BIM)和设施状况评估. One of her greatest skills is working with leadership to develop strategic direction and then supporting the strategy by working collaboratively across teams to develop achievable goals and tactical plans.

在2014年加入正规博彩十大网站排名担任项目经理之前, Jennifer worked for the Port of Seattle in the Aviation Facilities and Maintenance Department at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). She holds a masters degree in business administration from San Francisco State University and a bachelor of science in international business from San Diego State University. She's a Accredited Airport Executive (AAE) by the American Association of Airport Executives and is Institute of Asset Management (IAM) certified.

几年前,詹妮弗和丈夫搬到了圣地亚哥, 在西雅图生活了20年之后. 他们有三个成年子女也住在加州. 闲暇时她喜欢园艺, 做瑜伽, 长时间散步, 在海滩消磨时光,开始她的高尔夫生涯.