如果之外 如果之外


展览贡献者:博士. 里克·罗宾逊,奈杰尔·斯坦利,保罗·蒂斯

在这一集的如果/当, we’re discussing cybersecurity with an emphasis on the built environment and the 首页 needs of smart cities with Dr. 里克•罗宾逊,雅各布斯主管-智能场所,电信 & 数码基建及 奈杰尔·斯坦利雅各布斯,网络安全总监-人 & 地方的解决方案.

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Dr. 里克•罗宾逊 is Director of Smart Places, Digital Infrastructure and Telecommunications for 正规博彩十大网站排名. 他建议城市, 首页运营商, property developers and investors on the use of technology to improve buildings, 首页, 的地方, 社区、商业和组织绩效. 以前, 他曾领导奥雅纳和IBM的智慧城市业务, 是Amey的技术总监, where he was responsible for driving advances in digital technology into public services and 首页 that are used by about 1 in 4 people in the UK every day. 里克与一个技术企业家网络合作, Universities and social institutions to explore innovations in digital technology, and has advised the UK Government and United Nations on their impact on the built environment, 经济, 社区与社会. Rick是UK5G指导小组的成员, 英国计算机协会会员, RSA的会员和都市主义学院的成员. 他创立了伯明翰智慧城市联盟并担任联合主席.

奈杰尔·斯坦利, 硕士曾菲et MIEEE, 网络安全总监——雅各布斯, is a specialist in cybersecurity and 商业风险 with over 30 years’ international experience in the industry. 奈杰尔对网络安全有深入的了解, 信息安全, 商业风险, 威胁情报, 网络战争, 网络恐怖主义, 系统工程, SCADA and industrial control systems (and applying standards such as IEC 62443 across these domains.)另外, he has significant mechanical and electronic engineering experience in multiple engineering sectors including light and heavy rail, 电力传输, 海上, 航空和通信系统网络安全. Nigel is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology and member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. He has an MSc in Information 安全 from Royal Holloway, University of London.