
East Side Coastal Resiliency: Making New York City's communities safer from future flooding

东部海岸复原力(ESCR), conceptually developed during Rebuild by Design after Superstorm Sandy, is the first segment of a 10-mile flood protection system that extends around lower Manhattan, 被称为“大U”.”


纽约东部海岸弹性, Rendering courtesy of BIG

The goals of the ESCR project include flood risk reduction, 改善海旁通道, 加强公共空间. ESCR不仅可以保护脆弱地区和关键首页免受未来洪水的影响,还可以使社区更安全,更有活力. ESCR项目的第一阶段包括可行性研究和2公里长的概念设计.5-mile segment along the East River from East 25th Street to Montgomery Street. The ESCR flood protection system covers a very dense, vibrant part of New York City (NYC) that runs parallel to NYC’s major eastside highway, the FDR Drive; the project area includes the East River Park waterfront parks, 关键首页, 以及居民区和商业区.

建设将于2020年春季开始. 一旦完成, 目标是加强海岸防御系统,提升首页的弹性, 改善雨水排放管理, 改善社区前往海滨公园的通道, 改善了公园设施, 环境栖息地, 公园设施也将得到满足. ESCR不仅可以保护社区和城市的关键首页免受未来洪水的影响,还可以使社区更安全,更有活力.  

作为多学科团队的一员, 正规博彩十大网站排名 is one of two design leads and engineers-of-record for the flood protection system. 雅各布斯提供工程, 调查, 调度, 并为防洪系统从可行性到详细设计提供成本估算服务. 详细设计约为1.8英里的2.5-mile flood protection system and the redevelopment of nearly 1.作为ESCR项目的一部分,现有的东河公园广场的2英里由正规博彩十大网站排名承担.

“Supporting this pivotal program is important to me both personally and professionally. From a resiliency and flood protection standpoint, 随着气候变化的影响越来越明显,我们看到更频繁、更强烈的风暴,纽约市非常需要这种首页. 就我个人而言, 作为一个纽约人, 我很自豪能成为这个项目的一部分,它将提供一个全面的防洪解决方案,不仅可以保护社区,还可以为社区提供更好的滨水通道和便利设施.”

Maki Onodera

Maki Onodera

雅各布斯港口 & 海上U.S. 北区集团主管

  • 57.5

    acres of East River Park will be more resilient

  • 2.5


  • 3


  • 18



ESCR项目获得了3.38亿元的社区发展整体拨款灾后重建资金,用于建设防洪设施,同时改善环境和改善社区通往海滨的通道. 概念设计提出了一系列与城市设计特色相结合的多功能工程解决方案,以改善社区通道并扩大滨水公园的享受. The solutions included flood protection structures and foundations, 抗洪水的公用设施隧道, sewer outfall retrofits to prevent stormwater backflow, 可持续设计特点, 栖息地的增强, 公园的设施, and pedestrian and bike access paths and bridges.

Improvements will be made to the 57-acre East River Park, 2.8英亩的史岱文森湾公园,2.4英亩的Asser Levy游乐场和1.3英亩的墨菲兄弟游乐场.  

The solutions and their associated construction costs were presented to City agencies, 利益相关者, and communities through a robust and comprehensive engagement plan. 社区和利益相关者的意见影响了项目的初步和最终设计和施工开发过程. 无数的社区参与会议和研讨会确保了反馈和建议推动了这一互动和包容的规划过程.