


Aerial image of a white office building and parking lot surrounded by green hills

以满足全球对生物药物日益增长的需求, 药明康德生物制品选择了敦多克, 县劳斯郡, 在爱尔兰建立一个药品生产设施.

“未来设施”包括一个占地26公顷的生物制造设施,该设施采用了先进的技术,可为药明康德生物制品的全球客户群灵活生产各种药物. 这个极其复杂的项目需要一个高效的, 完全集成的设计交付流程,利用专业知识在快速通道内交付设施,同时保持卓越的质量和安全.

雅各布斯被选中提供施工管理服务,以支持该设施的发展. Construction started on the project started in April 2019 and was completed in July 2021, 利用集成项目交付(IPD)模型. 在一起, IPD模型和BeyondZero®方法使项目团队能够无缝地工作,交付这一创新设施,同时取得出色的安全结果, 以及员工满意度的提高, 质量, 生产力, 效率, 成本和进度绩效.

The facility is now in final stage qualification to deliver lifesaving drugs to patients. 该项目获得了2023年爱尔兰建筑卓越奖(ICE)的工业(超过1000万欧元)类别.

“I was delighted to work as Project Director on the WuXi Biologics facility. 尽管2019冠状病毒病带来了相当大的挑战, we deployed digital solutions to ensure the project was delivered with outstanding safety, 效率和成本结果. 这证明了我们的BeyondZero®健康方法, 安全和福祉,以及团队致力于为全球患者提供救生药物的项目的热情.”



无锡生物制剂原料药生产厂 by the numbers

  • 25

    建设耗时25个月(不包括封锁), 将于2019年4月开工,2021年7月完工

  • 1 K+


  • 2 K+

    over 2,000 personnel worked on the construction of the project

  • 60 +


  • 6 B+

    6,269,230 construction hours were completed over the lifetime of the project, 总可记录事故率评分为0.06

  • 0

    the project recorded 0 recordable events in its final 13 months

解决方案 included software platforms, offsite fabrication and archaeological experts

WuXi Biologics’ state of the art biopharmaceutical plant in Dundalk, Ireland is one of the largest single-use bioreactors-based facilities in Europe. Notably, it is also WuXi Biologics’ first greenfield biopharmaceutical facility outside China.


这个极其复杂的项目需要一个高效的, 完全集成的设计交付流程,利用专业知识在快速通道内交付设施,同时保持卓越的质量和安全.

In addition, the project faced major non-construction challenges, most notably:

  1. 考古: 该遗址位于已知的新石器时代和青铜器时代考古区域,有待调查和清理. 挑战是在完成全面考古调查的同时按计划开始施工.
  2. COVID -19: 由于该项目在2020年3月完成了约25%,因此大流行带来了重大挑战.


一开始, 项目团队分析了范围和时间表,制定了合同战略和设备采购计划,与采购和施工的最佳设计发布日期保持一致.

This approach enabled the early selection of specialist 承包 partners, all of which had an established track record in the biopharmaceutical industry in Ireland, with capacity for immediate integration to the design process.

利用他们的设计, 承包, 采购和施工前技能, the project team then developed an overall project execution plan with the contractors.

设计团队, who were spread across many design and 承包 organizations and geographic locations, 使用最新的工程软件,如Revit, P3D Navisworks, Bluebeam和MST的高效协作.

For the construction phase, the project leveraged offsite fabrication. 复杂工艺设备, 管道, 电气和仪表工程在费莫的专业制造设施进行预先组装和测试, 爱尔兰和春田, 密苏里州美国.S. 这项工作与现场施工同时进行, with the completed fabrication delivered to site in a fully integrated turn-key manner.

This method enhanced safety and 质量 and helped deliver on the tight construction schedule.


  1. 考古: 项目团队与无锡生物制品的考古专家密切联系,以确保在施工前完成现场的调查/清理, while respecting and embracing the historic significance of the task. Over 60 archaeologists investigated and cleared the site of archaeology finds.
  2. COVID -19: With over 2,000 personnel on the project, our primary focus was to keep people safe. 利用我们的BeyondZero®健康方法, 安全和福祉, 项目团队和承包商, 药明康德生物制品及政府机构出台了稳健措施, 嵌入式灵活的安全计划,包括一系列解决方案和数字工具,以应对COVID -19带来的挑战,同时确保项目继续取得进展.

在一起, IPD模型和BeyondZero®方法使项目团队能够无缝地工作,交付这一创新设施,同时取得出色的安全结果, 以及员工满意度的提高, 质量, 生产力, 效率, 成本和进度绩效.