知情者 2020年10月1日

从风险到恢复力: International Perspectives on Holistic Climate Adaptation at a Time of Financial Challenge


It’s time to think differently about the future – about how we respond to unanticipated events like COVID-19 and how we prepare for and mitigate the natural, 与气候变化相关的社会和经济风险. 当一个人, 社区, 机构, 企业和系统具有弹性, 他们能够承受, 迅速恢复并茁壮成长-无论他们经历什么逆境. 在本次会议上, we will examine resilience and preparedness in the context of climate change, with a focus on investigating ‘undis关闭d risks’ and the full range of short- and long-term climate risks, 以及应对气候变化的整体资产管理方法. 我们将听取墨尔本水务公司的意见, which provides drinking water and wastewater services for the approximately 5 million people living in the Melbourne metropolitan area and Thames Estuary Asset Management 2100, the 环境 Agency’s single largest flood risk management program in England.


  • 劳伦斯·范德塔克 -雅各布斯公司美洲水弹性总监
  • 克莱尔麦考利夫, Principal, Strategy and Risk, Melbourne Water
  • 克雷格·克利夫顿,适应力和气候变化全球技术领导者,雅各布斯
  • 艾比艾比·克里索斯托莫, Thames Estuary 2100 Strategic Asset Management Lead, 环境 Agency
  • Richard Windsor2100年,泰晤士河口资产管理公司资产管理主管


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从风险到恢复力: International Perspectives on Holistic Climate Adaptation at a Time of Financial Challenge