In the kNOW Mar 2, 2023


In the kNOW webinar by Jacobs

Advancements in MABR technology are opening the way to more energy-efficient operations for water resource recovery facilities. What if we showed you how we’ve helped utilities deploy MABR technology to deliver further energy savings, 同时减少温室气体排放,减少设施占地面积?

In this “In the kNOW” webinar, we will discuss the applicability of MABR, Ejby Mølle水资源回收设施的好处和教训, Denmark, 和加拿大的埃尔米拉污水处理厂, as well as key considerations when incorporating MABR as part of upgrading and expansion plans.

Meet our facilitator

Colin Newbery亚洲水务技术总监

Colin Newberry

Colin Newbery, Jacobs亚洲水资源技术总监,总部设在新加坡. In his role at Jacobs, he leads and manages the design of next-generation and major water treatment facilities for Singapore, 作为一个水创新和弹性的国家,它享有很高的声誉. In the last decade, Colin一直支持并与新加坡国家水务局合作, 公用事业局(PUB)和更广泛的水务行业进行探索, develop and realize ground-breaking solutions that push the boundaries in resource recovery, decarbonization and digitalization.

Meet our presenters


Tim Constantine

蒂姆·康斯坦丁是雅各布斯公司废水处理全球负责人. 他有27年的行业经验,一直参与设计, optimization, 以及对全球350多家污水处理厂的评估. 蒂姆是污水处理方面的权威, 对生物去除营养物有特别的兴趣和专业知识, membrane bioreactors, sidestream treatment, as well as leading edge technologies such as mixed liquor granulation/densification and MABR. 蒂姆的专业知识使他能够支持世界各地的项目, especially those that involve the development and application of innovative treatment options. He holds two United States patents, 两者都与高效节能的生物营养物去除工艺有关. 

Adrienne Willoughby Process Engineer, Canada

Adrienne Willoughby

Adrienne is a process engineer in Jacobs’ Toronto office with 12 years of experience in wastewater treatment technology. Her areas of technical expertise include wastewater treatment facility design and optimization, nutrient removal technologies, and advanced process simulation techniques. Much of her experience is focused on optimizing existing treatment plants to enhance treatment capacity, improve water quality, and reduce carbon footprint.

Adrienne has contributed to the advancement of wastewater treatment through several industry-leading and award-winning projects. She has led numerous projects to implement innovative technologies for early-adopter utilities, such as membrane aerated biofilm reactors, sludge granulation, and anammox.

MABR Technology

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About our "In the kNOW" webinar series

"In the kNOW” webinars deliver the latest information on the hottest topics trending in the water sector. Each webinar includes case studies and firsthand experiences with the featured topics presented by the foremost water industry experts. 网络研讨会系列的推出是为了提供一个与水务部门联系的平台, 分享创新成果,提供专业发展学分.

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