
Addressing Historic Flooding in 纽波特’s 普雷斯科特大厅 Neighborhood



在纽波特市的普雷斯科特大厅附近, RI, experiences flooding due to significant precipitation events and aging infrastructure.

近年来, 老化的首页导致了美国东北部沿海社区和纽波特市的洪水事件, 罗德岛州, 在新英格兰地区也不例外.


纽波特, 罗德岛州, a city steeped in history and known for its Gilded Age mansions, 还有其他东西显示出它的年代吗——它的首页.

就像新英格兰的许多沿海社区一样, 纽波特市, 罗德岛州, 由于气候变化导致的首页老化导致的洪水是否无法承受最近的重大降水事件. 的 city installed its storm drainage system primarily in the 1970s, and the infrastructure is undersized for current standards, 不再提供足够的服务.

普雷斯科特大厅 长期以来,在大降水事件期间,附近地区的街道和私人财产都会发生严重的洪水. 普雷斯科特大厅坐落在伊丽莎白溪流域, a 586-acre area that lies within the 100-year and 500-year 联邦紧急事务管理局 (FEMA)洪水保险研究(FIS)洪涝区. 众所周知,该地区每年都会发生几次洪水, 2021年9月,热带风暴“艾达”来袭, 许多居民报告说,洪水超过两英尺.

纽波特市 engaged 正规博彩十大网站排名 to help with a study to analyze past flooding events, 开发改进措施,以减轻洪水,并适应与气候变化相关的极端事件日益频繁. 通过这项研究, 我们正在与纽波特市合作,为未来更具弹性和可持续性的首页制定可行的解决方案.

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“This project started as a flood study but after the first public meeting, it became a lot more. People living in this neighborhood have experienced repetitive loss, 但更重要的是, 担心他们的安全. It was important for the city to keep residents informed throughout the project, 让他们知道我们在做什么, 询问他们的反馈, 分享我们的结果,并讨论接下来的步骤. 的re is no easy fix to the pervasive flooding issues in this neighborhood, but the city is working towards making it better and helping the residents feel safer in their homes.”





In 2014, 纽波特市和雅各布斯市启动了一项初步研究,以确定改善普雷斯科特大厅附近系统性能和减轻未来洪水风险的措施. 这项初步研究的一个重要发现是,我们可以通过更频繁地维护关键的排水首页,大大减少水浸. 长期解决方案需要改善纽波特市和其他实体(如政府机构)拥有的首页, 私人发展商及物业业主.

To develop long-term and sustainable solutions, 正规博彩十大网站排名 conducted an 更新的研究 in 2022 heavily focused on stakeholder and community engagement. 透过公开工作坊, 我们更好地分析了过去的洪水事件, understood the needs of stakeholders and identified measures required to achieve performance goals.

我们开发了一个二维水力模型, 我们用最近的风暴记录验证了吗, 包括热带风暴艾达, 评估缓解备选方案. 该模型用于进行详细的洪水评估,评估输送能力并确定系统中的瓶颈. 气候变化的影响也被考虑在内, 包括极端降水事件的频率, 海平面上升和风暴潮. 的 model was then used to test potential mitigation alternatives.

的 recommended improvements include three regional detention ponds, 500英尺的航道改进和8,新建或扩建500英尺的雨水渠. 我们通过基于利益相关者输入的结构化评估流程选择了这些建议. 的 project is currently advancing from conceptual to preliminary design.

通过社区参与, 我们正在帮助纽波特市开发一条改善和弹性首页的道路,以保护居民免受未来风暴事件的影响.

“通过这样的项目, we have an opportunity to create a resilient and safe future for communities like 纽波特, 罗德岛州. 通过利用新技术和数字解决方案, we can accurately predict extreme weather events and advise on potential mitigation efforts, futureproofing their infrastructure to weather any storm.”

克里希托姆 Headshot


正规博彩十大网站排名 Americas North Region Senior Vice President and General Manager